Sunday, September 21, 2008

Back Home

A week after Ike hit, I'm finally home to survey the damage. It actually not all that bad, a little damage to the roof, subsequently a little water damage inside, and I've lost 80% or so of my fence. All in all I'll count my self lucky compared to many. My biggest hit? The loss of power and my fear that I lost some of the beers I've been aging (a few Bigfoot and Foghorn barley wines and a few Saint Arnold's Divine Reserve). I haven't opened any yet, scared I guess. I have a few more beers from my trip to San Diego to post about but before I get to those a couple of beer related topics:
- Southern Star Brewery had a little bit of damage to their facilities. Loss of power which could mean loss of some of those items in their cool box. Check out their blog for more details.
- Sounds like Saint Arnold's was much luckier and survived Ike unscathed with no stoppage of their tours.
- Lastly the announcement for the next Session, the 20th, can you believe it? The hosts this month is the Bathtub brewery, the theme is Beer memories. The website asks "Is there a beer that reminds you of a specific memory?" if so write about it. Due date is Friday October 3. Should be fun.

Well thats it for me today. I've got some clean up to do, but I'll be back tomorrow with some more beer related posts. Take care and if anyone in Houston is reading I hope everything finds you safe, but if you all need anything drop me an email.


The Dude said...

I'm glad to hear you're OK Ted. The house of Dude survived intact with damage to only the garage. My neighbor's tree fell into the garage and punched through the roof in a couple of places as well as mangling the top part of the wall that it came to rest on. Fortunately the garage is basically detached from the house so it's not as bad as it might have been.

Of course we lost power like everyone else. Was without power for 9 days and I just not got my internet connection restored this evening. Overall, everyone in my family is safe and sound and I consider us blessed to have sustained such little damage. This is one my kids will both remember and can tell their kids about.

I consumed the beer I was cellaring a bit more prematurely than I had planned due to the power loss. Still though, like I say, it really could have been so much worse. God bless those folks down in Galveston. They had quite a hard time of it.

Barleyvine said...

Glad to hear you made it out ok. Sounds like you got a little luckier on your house than we did. We lost a bit of our roof and got some water damage on both floors of our home. But we did a little better with our power and we got it back 3 days after storm I think so was able to salvage some of my cellared beer (haven't tried it yet, keeping my fingers crossed).
Agree with the folks down in Galveston, praying for the best.