Sunday, June 02, 2024

Sunday Musings Its June

Happy Summer to all.  For most, the school year is over, which means summer vacations for most.  Mine will hopefully be later this summer, but in the meantime I am enjoying this amazing coffee from Texas roaster Greater Goods.  This Finca Rosita is from Bolivia, it's a lighter roasted coffee that I think is highlighted by doing a pour over which was my method this morning.  This is a smooth cup, notes of citrus, cinnamon, churros, a nice rounded cup.  Not overly acidic, just a hint, but its smooth, gentle cup that is a really nice cup of coffee.

Unfortunately the Premiere league season is over, and Forumla 1 is an off week, but there are still some things to talk about.  But first a recommendation.  I've been on a bit of documentary kick lately and that continues this week with a new movie on Disney Plus celebrating the life of the great Jim Henson.  Henson the creator of the Muppets, and really being groundbreaking in showing what muppets, and puppeteering can do.  His ideas of ability to communicate to children and adults is something that is all to rare these days.  He and his muppets whether on Sesame Street or the muppet TV shows and movies was a HUGE part of my childhood.  The documentary goes into detail on Jim and his wife Jane and how they started the Muppet company and brought in other amazing puppeteers not the least of which is Frank Oz.  how they struggled to show producers and other industry people that these muppets weren't just for children and are just another form of entertainment for all to the creation of the aforementioned Sesame Street.  I didn't realize that it took the brits to get the muppets on TV, with the first Muppets variety show being produced over in London.  The show overall is worth checking it out, it definitely brought back some great memories and really made me think about what would have happened if Henson hadn't passed away at such a relatively young age.

While I don' have a lot of EPL things to discuss, I did figure I could chat about Formula 1 for a bit.  Just some bullet point thoughts:

  • I wonder if Sainz's team knows what they are doing.  It seems like they had an opportunity to sign with some teams earlier for less years, but may end up being left with only Williams and Audi as an option. While I think Williams is stepping up and has potential in the next couple of years, that is a huge step down from Ferrari, or Mercedes and of course Red Bull who were both rumored to be options in the past.  He's a great driver, and better than what Ferrari will have next year, so it's a shame that he won't be in a great car.
  • Will Estaban Ocon be racing in Canada this coming weekend?  Seems like there are mixed signals, with some saying that he is going to be replaced for one race due to his idiotic decision making at Monaco, but he released a statement earlier this week that sure indicated he was going to be racing.  I honestly don't think he should.  The guy has had a conflict with EVERY driver he has been partnered with.  He may be a good driver, but he is not a team player, and I wouldn't want him on my team.  
  • I'll put a prediction for next week down on paper (well virtual paper at least).  I think the Canadian GP may be another race that RB doesn't finish 1st.  That track isn't set up to their strengths, and I think they have way more weaknesses than anyone thought after pre season testing and the first couple of races of the season.  Now who will step up to finish P1? Ferrari or McLaren?  That I won't predict, but am hoping for team papaya.
  • Shockingly it looks like RB is going to re-sign Checo, which I just don't get.  He is 35 so he is getting to the downside of his career (unless you are Alonso, but even he is struggling this year) and he is already starting to struggle this season.  I believe that RB's decisions will directly lead to them losing out on the constructors cup this season and next season as well.  They will have the best driver, and probably win the drivers championship this year, but won't win the constructors cup due to not wanting to rock the boat for Verstappen's fragile ego.  
That's all for now, see you next week after the Canadian GP.

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